Estate Planning And Elder Law Services In Orlando And Beyond

Is estate planning difficult?

On Behalf of | May 11, 2023 | Estate Planning |

Estate planning is a vital part of life. You deserve to decide what will happen to your assets and legacy when you die or become incapacitated. And estate planning documents can help you do this. 

Is it difficult to draft these documents difficult? Here is what you need to know:

The idea behind it may be challenging

Most people put off estate planning because it’s simply uncomfortable to contemplate their own mortality. You are essentially planning for a time when you will be incapacitated or deceased. However, the benefits of having a plan can motivate you to start the process. 

It can be more worrying to imagine your estate being distributed against your will and your legacy not being held as you wanted, despite working hard for years. Making peace with the unknown/ uncertainty of the future can ease the process. 

You can update it as your life changes

You don’t need to start planning your estate when you have “enough” assets. You can start with what you have and update your plan with time. This can make your work more manageable than handling assets worth a lot of money at once.

It’s not something to do on your own

Of course, estate planning involves processes with which you may not be familiar. Luckily, you don’t have to do it by yourself. Different specialists can help you find your way around. A financial advisor can help you understand where you stand and the best ways to distribute your assets. A tax specialist can inform you of your tax implications and potential ones when the plan goes to probate.

The biggest mistake people make with their estate plans is not getting started — or trying to craft them on their own without experienced legal guidance.