There are many different kinds of trusts that people create to protect their property or provide resources for the people that they love. How you structure the trust, who has access to its resources and what changes you may need to make to the trust help determine the...
Estate Planning And Elder Law Services In Orlando And Beyond
Month: January 2023
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Are you setting your heirs up for “inheritor’s guilt?”
If you’re preparing to develop your estate plan, you likely feel good about how much you’ll be able to leave to your loved ones and perhaps other beneficiaries. Everyone wants to make their children’s lives a bit better and easier than theirs. You may have enough so...
Can you be too old for estate planning?
People sometimes worry about being too young for estate planning, and this is a common myth. They assume that they don’t need to make an estate plan until they are much older, but the reality is that it can be beneficial even at a young age. But what about the...